My Story

Martina Schut 

My twin and I were born in Northern B.C. in 1976 to a 16-year-  old mother. There were many residential school survivors in our family, including our Grandmother. We were put up for adoption shortly after our birth and grew up in Delta, B.C., with wonderful parents and two older brothers.My life was happy and full of love. My parents were always open about us being First Nations and encouraged us to explore our Haida ancestry.
When I moved to Lake Louise, Alberta, I fell in love with the mountains and my spiritual connection to nature was awakened. My home is now on Vancouver Island with my life partner, Paul Croft, and our three children (represented in my drawings of the otters and hummingbirds). Their love and support fill my heart and life.
When the 215 children were discovered in Kamloops in 2021, I pushed my heartbreak and loss into art. Expressing these enormous emotions gave me a voice. It’s strange, but the pandemic gave me the time needed for this artistic healing journey. This experience made me realize that it is never too late to change your path in life and find your true calling.

This book was created to honour all my relations, elders, and ancestors and express my respect, love, and pride as a strong Indigenous woman. I am grateful.